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Send request

Passport subject
2-sided CCCD photo
Phone number registered with CCCD
(How to check: TTTB send to 1414)
4x6 portrait photo
Only white background photos are accepted
Place of birth according to birth certificate
Father's full name and date of birth (year of birth).
Full name and date of birth (year of birth) of mother
Full name, date of birth (year of birth) of husband/wife (married)
Agency/Organization currently working
Passport information page and pages with immigration stamps
In case your passport has expired or is about to expire (file zip)
Address where the customer wants to receive their passport
Bằng việc nhấn nút Gửi, Quý khách đã đồng ý với các Điều kiện áp dụng của Rosaco trên website rosaco.vn